TeleResources can provide a complete LTE network configured to meet the demanding needs of defence applications with ruggedized equipment providing voice, data and video communications. The network can connect with helicopters and drones allowing HD images to be relayed in real-time to a control centre.
TeleResources also provides security and monitoring solution, involving installation of equipment that can monitor mobile phones and other devices that are within the local vicinity. This is a complete surveillance and control system suited to specialised needs of corrective services and security organisations.
Network Design and Optimisation
TeleResources engineers are expert in the design of all types of wireless networks covering 3G, 4G, LTE, Tetra, Wifi, small cells and indoor/outdoor networks.
Network Performance
TeleResources has the expertise and leading-edge tools to address the needs of Defence and Security organisations to deliver a quality and highly efficient network.
We have the latest technologically advanced products to assist defence and security organisation to best support its defence and security wireless network and other critical telecommunications requirements. These products include:
Our EDX Planning tools are utilised by the Tasmanian Police on the RF planning, deployment and optimisation of its telecommunications network.