TeleResources is committed to delivering practical, cost effective and valuable solutions for its customers. We do this without compromising safety, health, environment or quality.
Quality-Safety Management System (QSMS)
The following external certification and accreditation awarded to TeleResources Engineering for quality and safety system (9001 and 45001) demonstrates our commitment and achievement in ensuring customer satisfaction, a safe work environment and constant improvement across operational and system processes.
AS/NZS ISO 9001-2016: Quality Management Systems

AS/NZS ISO 45001-2018: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

As part of our integrated management system program we are committed to continuous improvement of our WHS policies through the consultation and participation of employees and their representatives.
Our senior management demonstrate leadership and commitment by ensuring that requirements of the quality-safety management are consistent with the strategic context and direction of the organization. Senior management take overall responsibility for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health, as well as the provision of safe and healthy workplaces and activities. This commitment is not only in words but ensured through continuous and active demonstration to the entire organization.
TeleResources senior management has established, implemented, and maintains quality and safety policies that are appropriate to the purpose and context of the company and support its strategic directions. These guidelines provide a framework for setting and continuously improving quality-safety objectives.
TeleResources is dedicated to the concept that most accidents are preventable and this commitment extends to the operation of motor vehicles driven for our business. To achieve accident-free driving, TeleResources has developed the Safe Driving Program (SDP) which is essential for all personnel when driving for TeleResources purposes or driving a TeleResources-provided vehicle.
TeleResources plans, implements and controls the processes needed to meet the requirements for the provision of products and services of the quality-safety management system. This includes determining the requirements and criteria for these products, services and processes.
TeleResources has established, implemented and maintains processes for evaluating compliance with legal and other requirements which occur formally during Annual Management Review Meetings. Evaluation of compliance also occurs through the internal auditing and various WHS inspection processes that are required by our system. Where the evaluation identifies that action is needed, this planned action is documented and undertaken in accordance with the planned response.
TeleResources has established, implemented and maintains processes, including reporting, investigating and necessary action, in relation to the management of incidents and nonconformities. We evaluate the need for corrective action to eliminate the root cause(s) of the nonconformity, so it does not reoccur. TeleResources retains documented information as evidence of the nature of the nonconformities/incident and any subsequent corrective action taken including their effectiveness so that may be communicated to all relevant employees.